
Bledisloe House

  • MRCB
  • Auckland – Northland

Heritage-listed Bledisloe House opened in 1959. The seven-storey former Auckland Council-owned building is located next door to the Symphony Centre, which shares the same owner, MRCB.  

Similar to the Symphony Centre, RCP has a dual development and project management role. RCP successfully negotiated the development agreement with Eke Panuku on behalf of the Malaysian property development company. It also led the due diligence, feasibility analysis, and master planning phases and explored various concepts for the site. The decision was made to refurbish the existing office building.  

RCP has taken a holistic view of the precinct and aims to unlock as much value as possible through the redesign and ensure that it positively impacts the Symphony Centre. An important focus is the ground floor plane because the two buildings share a laneway.  

The aim is to take the once inward-looking building and create an outward-looking and inclusive ground floor with shared office spaces and commercial hospitality. The upper floors will be refreshed to deliver a textured and character-filled working environment. 

A challenge with heritage buildings is that, more often than not, the most desirable building features are the least compliant. RCP is leading the team in achieving a solution that satisfies both the building regulations and heritage aspects.  

RCP is currently guiding the project through the preliminary design process towards resource consent.