
Ranga is a programme whiz. With close to 20 years of construction industry experience across Oman, the USA and New Zealand, he knows how a project timeline should be structured to ensure it ‘hums’.  

The industry is notorious for its time pressures so Ranga stresses the importance of ensuring that construction programmes are set up for success from the start. There are plenty of challenges – materials procurement, labour shortages, and demand for consultants and specialists. Programmes need to be designed to meet milestones without being overly ambitious. Success, he says, hinges on finding the sweet spot between the client’s and the main contractor’s expectations.  

As RCP’s National Programme Manager, Ranga has multiple projects on the go at any one time. He busily oversees tasks from risk analysis, and tender and contract programme reviews to extension-of-time analysis and progress reporting. He reviews construction programmes – month by month – to understand if they can be reliably built in the proposed time. He identifies any flaws and works closely with the main contractor to resolve them and arrive at a best-for-project outcome.  

Ranga started his career as a civil engineer. Engineering was something he’d wanted to do ever since he was a child and dreamed of building a bridge. While he didn’t build any bridges, he has helped to deliver a variety of other projects in his time, from hotels to commercial offices to warehouses. Today, Ranga uses that construction knowledge to inform sound construction programmes.  

Out of hours, Ranga loves to spend time with his family. Cricket – playing the game and watching it – is a favourite family pastime.  

“I have been fortunate to learn from a lot of industry legends – tapping into their knowledge, studying their techniques and learning their approach to solving problems. Now when I look at a programme, I can quickly see if it’s achievable or not.” 

The Deloitte Centre
Te Kaha
61 Molesworth Street
Downtown West
Downtown Carpark Development